Wake Me Up When September Ends.

A wanderer capable of grasping the beauty of the grass, with a heart full of ancient charm, and a fondness for playful wit. Those who understand my words are knowledgeable individuals; those who decipher my code truly comprehend the essence. I am a wandering code swordsman, carrying my skills and riding freely through the digital world.


工厂模式是一种创建型设计模式, 其在父类中提供一个创建对象的方法, 允许子类决定实例化对象的类型。





  1. 定义cache工厂类(父类)和依赖类
  2. 编写各个类型cache子类
  3. cache工厂类创建调用




// config 配置类 用于缓存实例化依赖配置数据
class Config
    private string $host; //连接host

    private string $dbName;// 数据库名称

    private string $password;// 密码

    private string $userName;// 用户名

    private int $port; //端口

    public function getHost(): string
        return $this->host;

    public function setHost(string $host): static
        $this->host = $host;
        return $this; 

    public function getDbName(): string
        return $this->dbName;

    public function setDbName(string $dbName): static
        $this->dbName = $dbName;
        return $this;

    public function getPassword(): string
        return $this->password;

    public function setPassword(string $password): static
        $this->password = $password;
        return $this;

    public function getUserName(): string
        return $this->userName;

    public function setUserName(string $userName): static
        $this->userName = $userName;
        return $this;
    public function getPort(): string
        return $this->port;

    public function setPort(int $port): static
        $this->port = $port;
        return $this;

// 工厂类

class Cache
    protected  Config $config;

    public function __construct(Config $config)
        $this->config = $config;

    public static create(string $cache) 
        return   new $cache($this->config);



// redis 
class Redis extends Cache

    private Redis $redis

    public function __construct(Config $config)
        parent::__construct(Config $config);


    protected function connect()
        $this->redis = new \Redis();

        // 连接 Redis 服务器
        $this->redis->connect($this->config->getHost() , $this->config->getPort() ??  6379);

        // 可选:设置 Redis 密码


    // 动态调用redis 方法
    public function __call($method, ...$arguments) {
        call_user_func([$this->redis, $method], ...$arguments);


class Memory extends Cache

    public function __construct(Config $config)
        parent::__construct(Config $config);


class File extends Cache

    private string $cachePath = '/dev/logs/'

    public function __construct(Config $config)
         parent::__construct(Config $config);




class  Demo
    public  function  run()
        $config = (new Config())->setHost('localhost')

        $cache = new Cache($config);
        //创建redis cache实例
        $redis = $cache->create(Redis::class);
        //创建本地file cache实例
        $file = $cache->create(File::class);