Wake Me Up When September Ends.

A wanderer capable of grasping the beauty of the grass, with a heart full of ancient charm, and a fondness for playful wit. Those who understand my words are knowledgeable individuals; those who decipher my code truly comprehend the essence. I am a wandering code swordsman, carrying my skills and riding freely through the digital world.

🎉PHP 8.3发布与新特性

PHP 8.3已经如期发布,看一下新版特带来哪些特性!

常量类型化(Typed class constants)


8.3 之前

interface I {
    // 过往历史长河中总是认为PHP常量总是一个字符串
    const PHP = 'PHP 8.2';

class Foo implements I {
    // 但是实现类可能会将其定义为数组。
    const PHP = [];

8.3 之后

interface I {
    const string PHP = 'PHP 8.3';

class Foo implements I {
    const string PHP = [];


动态类常量获取(Dynamic class constant fetch)

8.3 之前

class Foo {
    const PHP = 'PHP 8.2';

$searchableConstant = 'PHP';

var_dump(constant(Foo::class . "::{$searchableConstant}"));

8.3 之后

class Foo {
    const PHP = 'PHP 8.3';

$searchableConstant = 'PHP';


#[\Override] 新注解


use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

final class MyTest extends TestCase {
    protected $logFile;

    protected function setUp(): void {
        $this->logFile = fopen('/tmp/logfile', 'w');

    protected function taerDown(): void {

// Fatal error: MyTest::taerDown() has #[\Override] attribute,
// but no matching parent method exists

深度克隆只读属性(Deep-cloning of readonly properties)


8.3 之前

class PHP {
    public string $version = '8.2';

readonly class Foo {
    public function __construct(
        public PHP $php
    ) {}

    public function __clone(): void {
        $this->php = clone $this->php;

$instance = new Foo(new PHP());
$cloned = clone $instance;

// Fatal error: Cannot modify readonly property Foo::$php

8.3 之后

class PHP {
    public string $version = '8.2';

readonly class Foo {
    public function __construct(
        public PHP $php
    ) {}

    public function __clone(): void {
        $this->php = clone $this->php;

$instance = new Foo(new PHP());
$cloned = clone $instance;

$cloned->php->version = '8.3';

json_validate 函数

8.3 之前验证json 需要json_decode之后根据json_last_error()错误去判断,如今8.3新增json_validate函数支持

Randomizer 新特性

  1. getBytesFromString()
  2. getFloat()
  3. nextFloat()

